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What The Courier Herald Online has to offer:
The Courier Herald enters more than 11,000 businesses and households weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings providing the citizens of Dublin-Laurens County with a daily look into the moments that matter most in their lives. From events like graduations to football Friday nights to troop send-offs and school events, The Courier Herald is the viable source for the news and information pertinent to everyday life in The Heart of Georgia.

The Courier Herald Online is an important part of our mission to provide the best possible local news coverage to our readers and subscribers. Our website is not like other newspaper websites where the stories are buried deep within the pages of a difficult-to-manage interface. The Courier Herald offers a vibrant, interactive digital edition in two high-tech formats. It’s not a watered-down version of your daily newspaper. It is the exact same product, complete with all the same stories, information and advertisements that are in the print edition. You’ll get exactly the same newspaper, arranged in the same familiar format, in an easy-to-use digital edition.

Two Formats, One Great Product!
The Courier Herald Digital Edition is like no other. It is delivered to our subscribers each afternoon through this website in two high-quality formats: The Current Issue Quick Viewer and The Current Issue PDF. By providing two formats, each subscriber is able to choose the one that works best for them, and if there is ever a problem with one format, the other will still be available. Never again will you not have access to the latest edition of The Courier Herald when you need it.

The Current Issue Quick Viewer:
The first format you will see once you have become a digital edition subscriber is the Current Issue Quick Viewer. This format is a flash-based publication that allows subscribers to view the current issue of The Courier Herald in several ways.

First, you can quickly flip through the pages, in thumbnail size, right on the website. Try it out on the sample viewer below. Click on the arrow next to the front page to flip pages. Once you get to the section that you are looking for, you can click on the middle of the "Quick Viewer" box (you’ll see a black box with the words “View in Full Screen” appear) and enlarge the newspaper on your screen.

In Full Screen mode, you can flip pages by using the arrows on the left and right of your screen, or zoom in simply by clicking on the page ONCE with your mouse. Once zoomed in, you will notice a black menu bar at the top of your screen. There you can adjust the amount of the zoom and you can switch between different viewing modes. The “drag” viewing mode is recommended for beginners, but you should feel free to try them all out. Once you get a little practice, you’ll be a pro!

Here is a sample Quick Viewer for you to try:
Also read our Quick Tips for using the Current Issue Quick Viewer.

The Current Issue PDF:
The second format that we offer online is the Current Issue PDF. This format allows subscribers to download a PDF version of The Courier Herald for extended reading with Adobe Digital Editions (Strongly recommended) or any other PDF viewer that they may have installed. The PDF version takes longer to download than the Quick Viewer, but it is a format that offers its own unique advantages. In the PDF format, subscribers can scroll up and down to view content and can access advanced features, like the zoom tool, usually by right-clicking on the page. The menu that appears will provide a variety of options that will enhance the reading experience.

Please Note:The PDF format can be saved to your computer for reading any time and with Adobe Digital Editions, can be added to your ebook library. It is also the version that is archived on our website. If you are looking for a past issue of The Courier Herald, it will be in this format. We keep the current edition and pdf archives back to the middle of 2007 available to our online subscribers, so that you have the power to choose when to read your newspaper.

Here is a sample PDF for you to try:

December 31, 2014

So why does The Courier Herald offer such a different online product than other newspaper websites that I have seen?

The first reason is this method gives our digital edition subscribers the same product as our print edition subscribers. We believe that our newspaper is one of the best in the state, and we think that our online subscribers should get exactly what our print edition subscribers get each day.

The second reason is that we believe that other newspapers are shortchanging their readers, their subscribers and their advertisers by not offering the same exact product online as they do in print. When a reader subscribes to The Courier Herald online, they should get the exact same newspaper that all print edition subscribers recieve. When an advertiser buys an ad in The Courier Herald, they know that every single reader of our newspaper will have access to that ad. No other newspaper offers that promise to their subscribers or their advertisers. We do!

What do I get when I subscribe to the digital edition of The Courier Herald?

Our digital edition subscribers get access to the most recent issue of The Courier Herald 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the website. This issue comes in both the Quick Viewer and PDF formats. Also, all digital edition subscribers get access to a printable version of the daily Crossword Puzzler (see sample below), archived for five days and access to The Courier Herald Digital Edition Archives. (Archives previous to July 1, 2009 are still being transferred from our old website, but will be available to all subscribers once uploaded completely).

SAMPLE Crossword Puzzler 08-12-09

Also, all our subscribers, digital edition and print edition, have access to the rest of The Courier Herald website, all day, every day. This includes access to our front page preview, which shows the front page stories for each day, all digital editions of our special sections including Porter’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing, The St. Patrick’s Festival “Big Green Guide,” The Holiday Gift Guide, Letters to Santa and many more.

Everyone has access to The Courier Herald Business Directory, which provides contact information for every business in the 31021 and 31027 zip code; Gas Buddy, which displays local gas prices on an interactive map of the area; Daily Recipes; Interactive Sudoku Puzzles; online classifieds and more!

The Courier Herald Online even offers our users the ability to create profiles, to blog, to post to forums, to create forums, to post local events, to submit Tell Its!, letters to the editor, hometown news, announcements and religion digests all through the website. Our desire is to be your complete source for information about our local community. We want you to know that we are the source for whatever information you need. Whether you are looking for the phone number to a local restaurant or you want to post a classified ad at 3:00 a.m., The Courier Herald Online is available to you, for you all day,every day.

What are you waiting for? Subscribe Now!

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